Writing an essay: this is how it works really well Need to write an essay but don't know how to do it? Then you will find practical step-by-step instructions for all types of attachments here. This will make writing easy for you. What is an essay? An essay is a written elaboration on a given topic. In school, essays are mostly written as class work. An essay often consists of an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. How the essay is structured in detail, however, and in which style you should write it depends entirely on the type of essay. Prepare your essay To be able to decide which type of essay to write, read the assignment very carefully. Proceed as follows: Does the task mention a certain type of essay, e.g. B? An essay, a synopsis, or a discussion? Look out for certain phrases that may indicate this, such as B. “Analyze to what extent the poem is typical of the epoch.” So you can see that this is a poem analysis & write my essay for me. Remind yourself how the essay should be structured, what approach is required, and what properties are important. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of essays before starting your class test. Should you write your essay on a specific text, e.g. As a poem, a chapter from a novel, or a political speech, so read you this many times thoroughly. Pay attention to abnormalities (e.g. rhetorical stylistic devices) and think about what meaning these could have for the entire text. Make sure to make bullet points while reading so that you can write down your thoughts in a structured manner later. At the end, you can structure your key points in a mind map so that you get a good overview. Before you start the essay, think about what you want to write in the introduction, which aspects you want to cover in the main part, and which in the final part. To do this, draw a table with one column each for the introduction, the main part, and the end and arrange your key points in it. This gives you a good overview of the point at which you want to take up a certain sub-topic while writing. Tip: If the topic of the essay is writing your own, free story, the following structure does not apply. Learn more in our article on creative writing. Here you will find a structure that can be used for many types of attachments. In detail, however, you should orientate yourself on the specifications of your teacher and write my essay. The introduction In the introduction, you should explain briefly and concisely what type of essay it is (poem interpretation, table of contents, etc.). The introduction also includes a brief synopsis of the original text that you are referring to in your essay. You should also provide the reader with important information (e.g. about the author and the year of publication of the original text). Make sure your introduction doesn't get too long and write essay for me. The main part In the main part, you take the text apart, break it down into its parts and describe them. In doing so, you address everything that occurs to you for the prescribed task: you analyze abnormalities, important text passages or characterize the figures. In the main part, in addition to the analysis of the individual parts, you should also include the interpretationIn. You describe what significance each part has for the overall picture of the text. However, the main part should not contain your own opinion on the text. The end Just like the introduction, the conclusion should be kept very brief. Briefly summarize your findings from the main part. Here you can now incorporate your own opinion. You can also classify the text in an epoch-making context and describe what kind of meaning it e.g. B. had for a particular literary movement. Make sure, however, that you do not present any new results here that do not appear in the main part and . Here you can find more information on the most important literary epochs: classwork,